To use the Memory Bank forums you need to register with us. To do this please send a request via the Contact Us page providing a user name you would like to use when on the site and a very brief description of your areas of interest. We will get back to you asap with your registration details.
To register you have to agree to our privacy policy which can be found here.
After registration you should be taken to the Memory Bank forums page, where you will have to log in using the details you have been provided. You have to be logged in to contribute to the forums.
Important note: when logging in you may be asked to log in twice, the second screen with the WordPress logo. This is a quirk of the system and does not mean the login details you provided were incorrect – just reuse the same details (probably your browser will remember these). If you are not taken to the forums please navigate there using the menu by going to Memory Bank / Forums.